Publication Ethics

We insist authors submitting articles to SEJ to follow ethical publishing practices which will not only enhance the quality of their work but also will support the development of Science.

An author is a person who has a substantial contribution to the article; all other contributions should be mentioned as acknowledgments. Authors should cite only the articles which have contributed to their work; unnecessary citations should not be listed. Authors should present their work as objectively as possible. Arguments that discriminate people by race, sex, origin, religion, etc. are not accepted. Bogus results must not be given. Any observed conflict of interest pertaining to manuscripts must be disclosed.

Reviewers should not take advantage of the manuscript; instead, they should help the authors to improve their work. Reviewers should not criticize the manuscripts in public.

The Editor guarantees the anonymity of the reviewer.

Editorial Board takes responsibility for making publication decisions for submitted manuscripts based on the reviewer’s evaluation of the manuscript, policies of the journal editorial board and legal restraint acting against plagiarism, libel and copyright infringement.